
Cinemaball 14: The Legend of Billie Jean (1985)

Episode Summary

On this very special episode of Cinemaball, we celebrate Ebony’s achievement of scoring the first proper goal in the history of the game with an examination of her goal film, the overlooked 1985 teen power ballad of a movie that is The Legend of Billie Jean. Our conversation covers the film’s noteworthy respect for its young heroes (and, by extension, its young viewers, too), the unique power of a female hero who disrupts the gender binary, and the role that male entitlement plays as a force of evil, among other things. As always, we each rate the film according to Ebony’s brother’s patented 100-star system, and then discuss the future of Cinemaball.

Episode Notes

Sixth entry to the Second Round: On this very special episode of Cinemaball, we celebrate Ebony’s achievement of scoring the first proper goal in the history of the game with an examination of her goal film, the overlooked 1985 teen power ballad of a movie that is The Legend of Billie Jean. Our conversation covers the film’s noteworthy respect for its young heroes (and, by extension, its young viewers, too), the unique power of a female hero who disrupts the gender binary, and the role that male entitlement plays as a force of evil, among other things. As always, we each rate the film according to Ebony’s brother’s patented 100-star system, and then discuss the future of Cinemaball.

Current score of Cinemaball:
Ebony: 5
Carolyn: 3

Cinemaball is presented by Feminist Frequency
Executive Produced and hosted by Carolyn Petit and Ebony Aster
Produced and edited by Sarah Nairalez
Artwork by Raye Abellar
Hosted by Simplecast
Executive Produced by Anita Sarkeesian

Music by Broke For Free

View the basic rules of Cinemaball and a history of all our episodes and ratings at: